[request] Can We Please Increase The Drop Rate On Cul Related Fish?

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I didn't want to comment on the Fix Fishing thread since this isn't about collectibles... but I did want to make this request.

I've spent the better part of the last two weeks doing almost nothing else but fish for Sweetmeat Mussels so I can cook them, and I'm having horrifying flashbacks to when I was spearfishing for the little squids in Tempur Platter back in SB for hours at a time.

For those unfamiliar, it takes a single mussel for each of the two new recipes that ask for them to net you 3 meals. Which is an hour and a half of meal buff. Both of those meals are for crafting and gathering. That means that if you're just wanting to make even a single stack of food you need a bare minimum of 33-34 mussels.

There's not a MB anywhere on Aether that will sell you that many for anything less than an exorbitant price. Assuming you can even find 33 mussels. Which is unlikely. So that means you get to gather them yourself. And if you're someone like me who sells food for a living, and likes to craft in stacks of 100+ so I don't have to restock every couple of days, you're suddenly looking at a couple of hundred mussels at least. More if you want some for yourself or are aiming for a larger quantity to sell.

This is on top of getting the scrips needed to get the bait.

Now, I grant that Identical Cast+Double Hook helps quite a bit (even if the GP cost for that combination is ridiculously high), and the mussels are a 1 star book fish, but come on! Even on the right weather I'm lucky if I get more than 4, MAYBE 5, mussels in the window. Could we please up the drop rate on those mussels some? Or at least reduce how likely the others are to bite squid strips? And not just the mussels, but do this for ANY fish used in cooking. It doesn't have to be 100%, but something a little closer to 90% chance would be nice!

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