Remove Glamour Restrictions

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To explain, I'm talking about removing restrictions on equipment for glamour between job classes BESIDES artifact gear. For example, allowing you to glamour striking gear as a healer. I'm tired of these and their reasoning for them at this point makes no sense.

Time and again, the defense seems to be "preserving job/role identity". But why is glamouring non-descript gear on other jobs destroying identity? Because a tank might run around in caster robes for example? That might be a good argument if not for the fact you can literally glamour yourself to be in a wedding dress, a bikini, or a moogle suit and roll up into any raid you like and tank just fine. Hell, you can glamour yourself COMPLETELY NUDE and it's not a problem at all. This defense is a complete joke with things like this already destroying identity more than removing the restrictions ever could.

I personally see no harm in removing these for the point of glamour. You still can't roll need on it if it's for a different role and are forced to either play said role to get it or roll greed so it won't hurt anyone who actually wants and needs the equipment. Of course, the restrictions absolutely SHOULD remain for artifact sets as those ARE definitive job identity, but for everything else? It should be removed. Everyone's glamour options would exponentially increase immediately in a VERY good way. I'm sick and tired of seeing a piece of gear I'd love to wear and I can't because it's for a different job and I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel this way. In fact these restrictions already don't exist for NPCs so why do they matter for us? For example, the Reaper trainer Drusilla is wearing the Crystarium Coat of Aiming, a chest piece Reapers cannot wear. Why are we subjected to these silly restrictions for the purpose of preserving job/role identity when even job trainers are not? They should be removed, full stop. Thoughts and opinions?

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