Regarding Viera Emotes

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I have two characters, one Raen Au Ra and one Rava Viera, and I've noticed something odd about the Veira emotes that express happiness/excitement/ect:

They are very. . . subdued. I'm wondering if this was done on purpose? From what I have gathered in game from talking to NPCs and doing the Fanow quests, the Viera are a serious race, but there was nothing to indicate that they aren't capable of expressing joy to the same extent as the other races.

I am a bit disappointed with the following:
  • /joy: "you motion joyfully" - character "poses" with her hand on her hip
  • /happy: "you are uncontainably jubilant!" - character puts her hand on her chest and sighs
  • /rally: "You engage in general japery" - character does more of a "psych" move by holding out her arm with her hand in a fist and jerking it downward as if to say "We can do this!"

Those are the only three I have any complaints about. My favorite emote BY FAR with the Viera is the /huh emote. It is absolutely sass-tastic and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!

Are there any Viera emotes that you feel do not match the descriptions given in the chat log when they are performed? Any favorites? Also, if someone would like to respond to my question about why this might have been done, that would be great.

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