

Kitteh's Meow
Redd has been removed from this forum via a perma-ban.

I tried to be fair in letting him having the chance to simply admit he was wrong in what he did to some of our members. However, instead of admitting it and just saying 'I am sorry' he proceeded to delve deeper into a world that we cannot follow.

That is all.
Definitely for the best. Gave everyone a chance, which is all anyone can hope for.
LOL Snuggs...

Good deal.. I was wonderin' how much longer it was going to continue. Definitely the best course of action.
LOL Snuggs...

Good deal.. I was wonderin' how much longer it was going to continue. Definitely the best course of action.

It was just a matter of time to be fair. He had every single opportunity to change the course of the future. As I stated above, in the words of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: "He did not choose wisely..."

I'm sorry that everyone had to endure that painful path.
Yeah, you gave him an ample amount of time to set things right and NOT have to be banned, but he just kept it going. It's almost as if he was TRYING to get banned.

As you said, it was just a matter of time. You did what needed to be done.