Red Mage Aoe Could Use More "oomph" In The Next Expansion

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In Stormblood, the RDM AoE rotation was extremely bland. Scatter spam into Moulinet spam. While Shadowbringers did expand on the AoE kit with new Ver-spells, it still lacks a satisfying impact (I'll see myself out later).

By comparison, BLM has a very satisfying AoE kit that chains explosion after explosion along with purple darkness explosions, lightning explosions and little ice explosions. While I haven't played enough SMN to speak from experience, exploding poison clouds (to spread dots) along with scathing pillars of light/fire are probably fairly enjoyable.

Red Mage just needs some of that oomph for themselves in their own AoE kit. Their single-target rotation has Verflare/holy and Scorch, so come next expansion some of that burst should come to their AoE kit:
  • Increase the potency and gauge cost of Enchanted Moulinet (maybe 25 or 30 black/white mana).
  • Add new combo actions to Enchanted Moulinet in the form of Verflood (white mana; shares slot with Veraero II) and Verfreeze (black mana; shares slot with Verthunder II).
The casting motions for Verflood/freeze could easily be copied from Verholy/flare, respectively. Verflood creates a column of water that douses surrounding targets (either falling from the sky or bursting from the ground as a geyser), while Verfreeze is a three-dimensional, razor-sharp ice snowflake (similar to PLD Holy Circle) that quickly forms then explodes into frozen shrapnel.

No longer would Red Mage gauge burn be a basic and bland 1-1-1-1-1, but instead a slightly-less-basic-yet-far-more-explosive 1-2-1-2-1-2 where every other action is a satisfying burst of water or ice magic.

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