So I order the Zodiark/ Hydaelyn statue for Christmas (well my parents did but through my account) and yea- statue was broken. However square will do nothing about it because it's outside of their 3 day received window.
It was recieved in November BUT wasn't allowed to be opened prior to Christmas. (Hell i got hell for opening the box to get the emote code).
So to anyone paying a gift for anyone going to buy a gift for someone else/ their kid through the square enix store- don't because unless your willing to opened it and fully go over to make sure there is no defect- the square store will tell you to bad so sad outside the "3day window."
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It was recieved in November BUT wasn't allowed to be opened prior to Christmas. (Hell i got hell for opening the box to get the emote code).
So to anyone paying a gift for anyone going to buy a gift for someone else/ their kid through the square enix store- don't because unless your willing to opened it and fully go over to make sure there is no defect- the square store will tell you to bad so sad outside the "3day window."
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