Reaper Skill "Hell's Ingress" able to be used twice after object interaction

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Date & Time: ~00:20GMT+1 27th January 2025
Frequency: Sometimes
World name: Phoenix
Character name: Nicola Kunu
Class/Level: Reaper / lv.79
Party or solo: Solo

Occurrence 01 - Video:
In-game time:
Area and coordinates: The Ruby Sea
1. Accept Kojin tribe quest called "You Blow It Up"
2. Go to the quest destination (x: 4.6 , y: 27.8, z: 0.3)
3. Use quest item "Conferedate Explosive"
4. Use Hell's Ingress immediately
5. See if Hell's Ingress went on cooldown (it can probably be used again)

Occurrence 02 - Video:
In-game time:
Area and coordinates: The Ruby Sea
1. Accept Kojin tribe quest called "Tale of Roe"
2. Go to the quest destination (x:29.3, y:38.4, z:0.1)
3. Interact with "Destination" and use quest item "Live Ruby Shrimp"
4. Use Hell's Ingress immediately
5. Use Hell's Ingress again

Extra information:
I believe it occurs when interacting with quest objects.
But theoretically if it's possible to be replicated with other "interactable" objects (like in a dungeon, trial or raid), it might be capable of allowing unintended movements. Might not be a problem though since Dancer's En Avant could move a character the same distance.

Connection Specs
- Type of internet connection/provider: Ethernet / Ziggo

Browser Information
- Name and version of the browser currently in-use: Chrome version 132.0.6834.83


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