Quite a fast camera..

What I don't get, is why someone lays on their gas and their break at the same time, destroying their tires just for... smoke? Rubber smoke smells terrible. Go have a cookout instead. Just as much smoke and smells better. What's interesting about spinning your tires on the ground and not going anywhere?
I have a weakness for sports-cars. I <3 my 350z.
cool song..

Well like I said before, my focus on the video isn't really on the car itself and what they're doing, it's the quality of the video itself. I could care less that this guy decided to burn his tires for 10 seconds lol

This is a nice video for whoever could appreciate it. What I get out of it isn't so much about the car, it's the fact that the whole 3minute video covers the span of 10 seconds.

It was longer than 10 seconds overall. The 10 seconds was just referring to the overall drag speed of the car. I can't remember the distance (I think it's a 1/4 mile), but 10 seconds is pretty decent.

What I don't get, is why someone lays on their gas and their break at the same time, destroying their tires just for... smoke? Rubber smoke smells terrible. Go have a cookout instead. Just as much smoke and smells better. What's interesting about spinning your tires on the ground and not going anywhere?

It's just a car thing that shows off the power of the engine and the control of the driver. I'm sure they would look at what we do online in mostly the same light.
The actual camera work in that vid was pretty cool, 10 points. I really liked it.

mostly unrelated, but a good example why red camera's are beautiful things...

Hm. I'm becoming a sucker for photography / film more and more every day.
Sweet videos (both of them) for the quality... I just recently got an HD television and tuner and was watching a Royals game on it the other day going "woo.. look, grass.. I can't see the grass that well when I'm THERE." I'm easily entertained.

I get the burnout and seeing the quality, but meh, tires are too pricy now days--especially if you're putting them on sports cars. ;) I <3 my car too much to do that to it.