Quick Question about the new field operations?
I just realised... they were always associated with relics and, that still meant 2 hit grinding fates in parties of 30, and queuing ARR alliances.
(You can already tell from my question I'm probably not doing that anymore. I already did a couple non-scaling 2 hit hunt farms and that was enough. Not without connections in game anymore. I'll try but... there is a lot of the same-old that is all I've been feeding and recently I can't bear it. Especially not as I'm not even interested in the relic now I'm not invested in my character and I only sub temporarily. Decide for yourselves if this is something that is going to apply to any other prospective returners. I'm just trying to (re)calibrate my likely intentions early.)
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I just realised... they were always associated with relics and, that still meant 2 hit grinding fates in parties of 30, and queuing ARR alliances.
- That's going to end up mandatory again sn't it?
(You can already tell from my question I'm probably not doing that anymore. I already did a couple non-scaling 2 hit hunt farms and that was enough. Not without connections in game anymore. I'll try but... there is a lot of the same-old that is all I've been feeding and recently I can't bear it. Especially not as I'm not even interested in the relic now I'm not invested in my character and I only sub temporarily. Decide for yourselves if this is something that is going to apply to any other prospective returners. I'm just trying to (re)calibrate my likely intentions early.)
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