Quest Giver: Kazagg Chah
Quest Name : The Voidgate Breathes Gloomy
Quest Type : Level 45 Black Mage job quest.
Coordinates: Eastern Thanalan X: 27.9 Y: 21.3
I've run into two issues with this quest:
1. If you defeat all planar fissures before they spawn mobs, the 269th Order Mendicant Da Za still says "The gloom has birthed fiends, <Name>. Be careful - cautious, wary, careful." even though no mobs (fiends) spawn.
2. I ran into an odd race condition where in, round 1, I defeated all fissures but a Void Echo spawned anyway and the new set of fissures appeared. So I was left with a mob and the new fissures. What I think happened here is:
(1) I destroy the last fissure.
(2) The destruction was not in time so the Void Echo spawn beings.
(3) Before it comes into being the next set of fissures spawn.
(4) I'm left with the odd situation of having a mob & new fissures simultaneously.
To reproduce:
1. Easy to duplicate. Defeat all fissures before mobs spawn. Note the NPCs message about birthed fiends.
2. I wasn't able to duplicate this. I think it is just a timing issue.
Both of these issues may very well be "working as intended" and that's fine. I just figured it report it.
(1) is just canned NPC talk. He's going to say that line whether there are fiends or not. May just be a non-issue. Most likely the designer figured that players would not defeat all planar fissures before mobs spawn.
(2) is a timing issue, though that seems to be how things work in this game. For example, in the past I recall defeating a quest mob and dying at the same time. I didn't get credit for the mob defeat. Looking into the battle log it showed that I hit the mob with the killing blow, was killed, and then the killing blow registered and the mob died. I didn't get credit because I was already dead. Weird, but I guess things are asynchronous here, so may just be how the game engine works.
Sorry for the long post, I'm OCD about this stuff. If all of this is "not a bug/working as intended/poster is crazy" please file away and ignore me!
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Quest Giver: Kazagg Chah
Quest Name : The Voidgate Breathes Gloomy
Quest Type : Level 45 Black Mage job quest.
Coordinates: Eastern Thanalan X: 27.9 Y: 21.3
I've run into two issues with this quest:
1. If you defeat all planar fissures before they spawn mobs, the 269th Order Mendicant Da Za still says "The gloom has birthed fiends, <Name>. Be careful - cautious, wary, careful." even though no mobs (fiends) spawn.
2. I ran into an odd race condition where in, round 1, I defeated all fissures but a Void Echo spawned anyway and the new set of fissures appeared. So I was left with a mob and the new fissures. What I think happened here is:
(1) I destroy the last fissure.
(2) The destruction was not in time so the Void Echo spawn beings.
(3) Before it comes into being the next set of fissures spawn.
(4) I'm left with the odd situation of having a mob & new fissures simultaneously.
To reproduce:
1. Easy to duplicate. Defeat all fissures before mobs spawn. Note the NPCs message about birthed fiends.
2. I wasn't able to duplicate this. I think it is just a timing issue.
Both of these issues may very well be "working as intended" and that's fine. I just figured it report it.
(1) is just canned NPC talk. He's going to say that line whether there are fiends or not. May just be a non-issue. Most likely the designer figured that players would not defeat all planar fissures before mobs spawn.
(2) is a timing issue, though that seems to be how things work in this game. For example, in the past I recall defeating a quest mob and dying at the same time. I didn't get credit for the mob defeat. Looking into the battle log it showed that I hit the mob with the killing blow, was killed, and then the killing blow registered and the mob died. I didn't get credit because I was already dead. Weird, but I guess things are asynchronous here, so may just be how the game engine works.
Sorry for the long post, I'm OCD about this stuff. If all of this is "not a bug/working as intended/poster is crazy" please file away and ignore me!

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