Quest NPC's disappearing animation

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Hello all,

apologies in advance if it's petty thing to bring up.

There seems to be a trend on the quests and also various events during year that involves cutscenes with NPC's moving, making two to three steps and then vanishing 1-2 seconds later, while still (2 yalms away from the wol) on the screen.

it's a silly thing I know, though it ruins the immersion when 80% of npcs you talk to finish the dialogue and disappear with fade effect.

Recently I've done some fates in ARR zones and old content allied society quests, and saw that for the old expansion content, related npcs seem to have sort of predefined path and in cutscenes they walk behind the camera before disappearing.

In east shroud there's fate that you need to help someone to cross the field to the chapel and after the fate ends, the npc remains there, keeps walking up the hill until he walks behind the corner, and disappears with a short delay after. basically if you stay there, you see the npc walking somewhere (what was the part of its quest goal) until he's not visible on the screen.

I acknowledge that might be an example on the extreme side, but could we have some sort of compromise between scripting long walk paths and making quest npcs just teleport away instantly?

I hope it's not too much work or limitation from consoles.

thanks for any input and ideas.
cheers and happy valentine everyone ♥

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