Pvp Has A Few Glaring Problems

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1] Server Lag/Tick -much like it says, there appears to be some innate lag, seemingly 2-3 seconds This is most noticeable when trying to apply status effects, and utilize knock backs Status effects usually seem to apply out of order of animation Then other times it is applied immediately, there is little to no way to predict this server lag/tick which is why i struggle to understand if it is just innate server lag or a design choice
2] Healers -this whole schema has a problem It takes 3 dps to out damage a healer curing themselves, tanks can be easily killed by 2 dps, and 1v1 for dps While i understand this is to make fights last longer i think the problem lies with healers curing themselves and less with the potency of the spells
My fix: Make cure potency be decreased when casting on self, thusly incentivizing the curing of teammates
3] Tanks -my only real problem is Holmgang, a pull, bind, and invincibility all on 1 move on a 45sec CD is absurd, 4 sec of lock down in PvP is practically a death sentence
My Fix: remove 1 of the effects, leaving either Pull&Bind, Pull&Immunity, or Bind&Immunity [range 5y], that would make it feel more in line with other tanks as well, GNB/PLD/DRK have a stun of 2sec duration and 30sec CD, with the lock-down only being 2sec each, Much more survivable and in line with the other tanks capabilities
4] DPS -NIN has a balancing issue, they have a Passive movement speed+, 2 uses of Shukuchi and an invis, this makes them nearly impossible to pin down, that passive move speed makes them impossible to chase since they will just out run everyone when using these 3 effects
My fix: remove that passive move speed, makes them have far too much escape power along with their elevated damage
5] Matchmaking -have had way too many games where all 5 healers are in the same party, distribute them, don't put all in one party, please make it clear that you will receive the rewards from the job you queue as EVEN IF YOU SWITCH,so many people don't know that, 24 man (secure) is practically an afk show, nobody pushes on other teams, pretty boring for the duration of that timer
My fix: make it clear about class switching not impacting rewards, and try to evenly distribute healers, tanks, and dps among the 3 parties, remove 24man option for Secure instead opt for a 2 sided 12 man match leaving the third base open
6] Status Effects -silence is too short,doesn't feel that pressing to be silenced, feels useless when you are the one silencing, buff that to 3-4 sec, silence takes you out of the fight without hampering your escape, making it low impact on survival and making people care about being silenced. knockback they hardly ever knock the person back in a straight line constantly see them fling off in another direction the only way i have be able to get reliable directions is by comboing it with a stun or a bind
My fix: fix server lag/tick maybe?
tl;dr few issues with rec. fix, need more character limit on these boards

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