Pussenboots! Happy Birthday!

Thanks sweetie. How have you been Sassy? Haven't seen you in forever, then again I haven't been on much over the last 3-4 months.
and you should hug thiefs more...
Happy birthday booties
I get on atleast 3-4 nights a week, just usually for an hour tops. Luckily sign off is next week on this client, and thus ends busy season, so no more 7 days a week, 70+ hours a week.
Preda had that pic before the patch. >.>

Tarnak was quite frustrated this morning trying to get the "Flickering Latern" to pop Sozu. :(
WAS?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! I'm about to water drip torture this tonberry until he hands over his stupid lantern. 52people in this temple... this craps complete crap lol. It's a game of who has more friends.