PS+ Free Teleport still doesn't work properly

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sometimes it does, most of the times it doesn't
I had a Chat about it in the NN that the Error may occure due to me having the PS4 and PS5 Version of FFXIV on my PS5 Pro but since 1.1.2025 I only play on the PS5 Version because I saved all my Character Data from the PS4 Version onto the FFXIV Cloud and the PS+ Free Teleport still doesn't work proberly on the PS5 Version like it does on the PS4 Version..

I wonder if the PS5/pro has issues recognizing the PS+ Status or if Square Enix could contact Sony about that Issue?

Since PS+ is a Sony Product that with the Free Teleport interacts with Suare Enix' FFXIV Service, it should be immediately fixed.. then again.. I also have Login Issues on my PS5pro on Marvel Rivals with Error Code 5...

Where the Question arises of where did Sony Fail at the infrastructure of the PS5pro, because again I do not have this issue on the PS4 Version.

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