PS+ Free Teleport recurring Issue and discoveries

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So the PS+ Free Teleport doesn't work properly on the PS5 Version of Final Fantasy XIV.
But it turns out that it seems like that the PS5 Version of FFXIV has somekind of Limited Logins for the PS+ Free Teleport to work.

I experienced the following Scenario: I logged into the PS5 Version of FFXIV on the Weekly Challenge Reset on Tuesday and the PS+ Free Teleport worked! Then I relogged later in the day and PS+ Free Teleport didn't work for the rest of the week!

On the PS4 Version everything works just fine.. So the PS5 Version may offer better graphics and such but fails at varifying PS+ in which case is the PS5 just an official PS4 Emulator.. I mean the PS4 Version doesn't have any problems letting use my PS+ Teleport when ever I want (required my PS+ is active, which it is)

It seems that there is a difference of how the PS5 Version handles Logins unlike the PS4 Version. And Aggrevatingly everytime I log into the PS4 Version the Launcher recommends me to use the PS5 Version for a better experience.. well I like to experience that my PS+ Free Teleport to work how it should.. not just once a week.

I don't know how it works but I would cross reference the code that checks the PS+ Status on the PS4 Version and the PS5 Version and just copy and paste it from the PS4 Version into the PS5 Version. It works on the PS4 Version just fine, there is no reason to have those Issues on the PS5 Version.

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