Proto-Ultima Lot Order and Signup


Pitorith Campaign 2008
Ultima Legacy
This event is planned for 8/14/2007. Please show up on time.

If you already have a piece of armor and are on the lot order, or if you aren't and need to be, let a sac know to fix it or check into it.

Eligible people to lot:


Nashira Turban - Arafea/Mysti > Manikalas

Nashira Manteel - Mysti/Yaeko > Arafea/Manikalas

Nashira Gages - Manikalas > Arafea/Mysti/Yaeko

Nashira Seraweels - Mysti/Yaeko > Arafea/Manikalas

Nashira Crackows - Arafea > Manikalas > Mysti/Yaeko<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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Would love for PLD, but don't have proper CB gear so probably will show on BLM, unless we need an extra tank for safety.

ill be there..

I have the Turban already~ :) Took my name off the list for it... and I'm in. hehe^^
I should be there this time around.

I'll have WHM, BLM, SMN, or BRD available.

If at all possible, I would like to go SMN this time around since it would allow me to cause decent dmg regardless of what shield he may have up. And if Nek is coming COR, it would be beneficial to have me in the BLM pt to enhance Evoker's Roll.

Finally, in case there is anybody that hasn't looked much into this fight, here is a link to a good overview. It's a pretty quick read.
Unfortunately I will most likely miss this run.:eek: I am seeing Wilco outdoors on the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth MN. Its a 3 hour drive from my house so I may not make it home in time. GL You guys will do well! I will try to get a card and log at entrance in case there is a chance I make it or concert is rained out or something.

im in as w/e
my CB is fairly good and im convinced i can survive it consistently now.
Could yaeko possibly come rdm/nin as 3rd tank / support, its very useful in the last few %...?
i may be a few mins tardy due to work being minorly variable, ill log as pld at NPC just to be sure.
P.S. I'm really looking forward to ppl gettin some Nashira!!
I sure wouldn't mind coming rdm/nin to help out in the last couple %. :D :D /excited
Well the Wilco concert has been rescheduled due to the guitarist having chicken pox.:arg:
So I will be there after all.
yes it is.... good to see ur coming gordzilla!

I forgot there's threads for these fights >.> I'll be attending / lol but it's a few hours before gather atm sorry late response <.<
Congrats everyone!


Yaeko: Body
Manikalas: Hands
Mysti: Legs



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soooo proud guys!!! awesome job!!! grats the yaeko, mysti and mani!!!

Yeah, that fight was nearly flawless. I was especially proud of the 20 dmg from my club and 59 dmg from my Holy as I waited for CB to countdown on me. Next time I'll bring an IC wing, rev mail, and all other melee gear to smack him with a hexa strike if CB is on me again.
That was fun... though the whole using an Ic Wing at 1% and getting KOed during my Wheeling Thrust macro kinda sucked lol
u know u deserved it!!!
