Proto-Omega lotting prioriy 8-21-07


FC/Active Member
Proto-Omega lotting priority 8-21-07

People with 50%+ Limbus cycle attendance that can lot Omega pieces.
  • Joanna - THF (Head, Body, Legs & Feet)
  • Eilistrae - THF (Body, Hands & Legs)
  • Aelfinn - BLU (Hands, Legs)
  • Aluciont - PLD (Hands & Legs)
  • Onorok - PLD (Head, Hands & Legs)
  • Spundundee - DRK
  • Hakusaku - Secondary BLU

Omega's Eye > Homam Zucchetto - BLU(Aelfinn) > PLD(Aluciont)/THF(Eilistrae)/DRG/DRK(Spundundee)
Omega's Heart > Homam Corazza - THF/DRG/DRK(Spundundee)/BLU(Aelfinn) > PLD(Aluciont, Onorok)
Omega's Foreleg > Homam Manopolas - PLD > THF(Joanna)/BLU/DRK(Spundundee)/DRG
Omega's Hind Leg > Homam Cosciales - THF/DRK(Spundundee)/BLU/PLD/DRG > Secondary BLU(Hakusaku)
Omega's Tail > Homam Gambieras - DRG/THF(Eilistrae)/BLU(Aelfinn)/DRK(Spundundee)/PLD(Aluciont, Onorok)
I'll be on PLD/NIN, unless something else is needed. Supposed to get off of work at 8PM ET, but I will leave a few minutes early so I'm on just before 8:30PM.