Proto-Omega 4/23/09


[SIZE=-2]●●[/SIZE]Omega's Eye -- Homam Zucchetto - Dworvos, Losers, Redd, Yelsaewnor
[SIZE=-2]●●[/SIZE]Omega's Heart -- Homam Corazza - Chianna, Dworvos, Losers, Redd, Yelsaewnor
[SIZE=-2]●●[/SIZE]Omega's Foreleg -- Homam Manopolas - Chianna, Losers, Nekio
[SIZE=-2]●●[/SIZE]Omega's Hind Leg -- Homam Cosciales - Losers > Free to those that can equip
[SIZE=-2]●●[/SIZE]Omega's Tail -- Homam Gambieras - Losers > Free to those that can equip

Gather 8:15EST.
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Why am I on lotting list for homam head? I said I was switching to nash gear.
Sorry I have been meh'd this past week with Limbus, thanks for keeping me on lot list. finals week but I'm done tomorrow night, so I should be gewd for a month until my trip.
Tank PT was Dwo Ruby Varda Kuragasi Loser Yels

Not sure of the others
I got a screen shot of attendance

This screen shot + kura (he'd already dropped PT)

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Lots for 5 coins from that run:

Varda 347
Chii 342
Redd 689
Heie 426
Rike 151
Losers 728
Ari 330
Mega 758
Talfus pass
Omar awol
Kura 604
Ruby 778
Dwo 642
Spun 231

Ruby, Mega, [STRIKE]Losers[/STRIKE], [STRIKE]Redd[/STRIKE], Dwo
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