Produce your own wedding! Presenting the new wedding support service!

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The wedding service that has blessed countless couples in the holy bonds of matrimony will soon be reborn as an easier-to-use and even more extravagant service!
All of you out there thinking about a beautiful wedding in Vana'diel, why not ask one of the in-game NPCs about that special moment with your partner that will stay with you forever?

Click here to learn more!





I have often thought I should marry my husband again...
Except this time, I'm going to wait for him to do the asking!
Not so much, I bought the man's wedding band intending to ask him to marry me. He showed up at work the day I bought it (and was showing it off to friends). They insisted it was a "sign" and I should ask him right then.

Let's just say, I do not envy the men the task of proposing. I just about puked and didn't do much but shove the ring in his face. Needless to say, he thought I was trying to tell him I was pregnant! (which I wasn't ftr)
at least we can't get pregnant.