!!potential Spoiler!! [spoiler: I Just Completed Shadowbringers 5.0]

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Hi all! I wanted to open a discussion on Shadowbringers as I just completed the MSQ for it.

After completing the MSQ I returned to the Crystarium. It was night, and the music got to me. I began to shed another tear after the compelling scenes I just witnessed.

Left with so many emotions so I thought I’d come here to express the amount of joy this game/expansion has given me, but also hear your takes on the experience. I’m slightly torn with everything that happened between us and Emet.. How brilliant it was for the creators to bring back Graha Tia and make a beautiful expansion over it. The symbolism in the game is pure art. The OST is AMAZING. I see why many people agree this is one of the best FF made to date. I’m left with so much emotion but also curious as to what’s next! What’s up with Hydaelyn? Is this truly how Minfilia ends? Will the scions ever return to the source? Zenos is back in the picture!? So much!

Please share your thoughts but refrain from anything past 5.0 as I am not there yet. I need a moment to recover.

submitted by /u/Ayerodo
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