[possible Spoiler] Pixie Beast Tribe: Wind-up Pixie....

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When I first saw that we will get a Pixie Minion for the Beast Tribe I was delighted.
Today I was able to purchase it.
And it's an ugly one. Why?
Almost all of the Pixies are cute little Creatures. And we are getting a Pixie People will hardly ever touch.
Ok, I know, I can't speak for other People. It's just, I'm so disappointed.
And I wanted to let the whole World know about it. Yeah, that's right.
It's not that bad that I want to shout, but I'm disappointed enough to have it written in bold.
There you have it.
If I would have known how it looks...oh man, I don't know. Honestly,who needs a tiny flying Pig? Exept Lalafell?
Did I mention that I'm disappointed? Ah, yes, I did. Good.

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