Possible Slight Rework Of The Housing Demolition Timer? In Response To Content Delays

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Looking around recently, I noticed that the demo timer for personal housing doesn't reset if a member you share your personal with uses the house.

Now I have no issues with the timer. I think 45d is fair for the most part. The thing is, this has been quite a year. SE has had setbacks and delays in providing the content (It's unfortunate but I'm not here to blame anyone).
However, this means that players like myself who play the game mostly for high-end raiding will only have gotten one piece of content over a period of about 20 months.

Given how exceptionally long these delays are, I was wondering if something could be done for players who own houses but are looking to unsub at some point while waiting on the expansion. I use my house a lot (every other day) whether it's for crafting, hanging out with friends, do my gardening, etc. It's definitely not an idle place. But I'm also quickly running out of content where I would usually have just enough to justify my subscription.

Currently, I'm looking to wrap things up over the next couple of months. Then I'll unsubscribe my extra retainers + unsubscribe my account every other month to avoid the 45-day demo. But this is a pain, a bit of a subscription trap, and mostly, it's not really my fault.

I was wondering if resetting the demo timer on shared estates when a roommate enters would be an option up until a month or two before the next expansion? Uniquely from the exceptional nature of this year's content release drought.

I don't think this would affect the market much. People who want to keep their housing are already managing to do so. And you still need an actual player to enter. It would however make things easier for a section of the players who drew the short straw this year.

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