PM 2-3 Distant Beliefs Fri After Ouryu


Active Member
FC/Active Member
It's a boss fight in Phomiumna Aqueducts against Minotaur.

People so far:

Def's Taru > BLM or RDM
Aluc > RDM
Pred > NIN?
Def > whatever needed.

If anyone is available that would be sweet. Can farm subs after above if anyone wants too.
40 cap, right?

I have RDM, WAR or DRG. I can even do WHM is you don't mind a little under level (38).

I have full sub for 40 the above and BLM, SMN, PUP (lol), DNC, THF, and have BLU to 19.

try and knock this out during the week if possible otherwise will leave it for next friday.
How does sunday sound Pred & Aluc?
Finished today. Work on cut scenes for 2-5. Grats guys.