Please Fix Ast's Mp Issues

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I'm hopeful for a few adjustments in patch 5.2, because AST really needs some sort of alleviation to their MP management. AST has no secondary (or tertiary) form of MP replenishment like the other healers, and Lucid Dreaming cannot maintain MP levels with AST having such a high GCD uptime in a raid setting. Malefic really eats away at the MP pool, even when popping Lightspeed on cooldown, which really isn't advisable. When MP is effectively an infinite resource for SCH and WHM, it's a huge feelsbad running dry in the same content when playing AST.

A simple fix would be lowering the MP cost of Malefic to 300, or allowing a small amount of MP restoration on card usage (3% - 5% each card). As it stands now, Nocturnal is horribly MP inefficient and can't manage the cost of it's own GCD healing, as well as AST suffering a huge loss when forced to rezz outside of a Lightspeed window. Please give AST the same MP privileges the other two healers have.

submitted by /u/Shellmetra
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