Please Be More Strict

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So recently we had 2 incidents of FC chest thefts that happened on 2 consecutive days. It was the same person but on his alts. He asked to join the fc and we accepted his request, he left as soon as he joined and we found out that he stole everything he could from the FC chest. Slots 1 and 2 were free for all because we hoped that the items there would help new adventurers with their journey. However this troll had to rob us not just once but twice. Yes, it was our fault that they had perms to those slots but an action such as this that destroys the ffxiv community's trust in one another must be punishable. Any decent human being will not steal from other people.
Mind you, this person not only did this to our FC but to a lot of other FCs as well and he is still roaming around scamming people. If this is not bannable to you guys then I don't even know what is. This guy should be banned, suspended, or at the very least not allowed to join any other FC both on his main character and on his alts. It is infuriating to see how indifferent and irresponsible SE is towards issues like this. PEOPLE MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR BAD BEHAVIOR.

People like these ruin the game's experience for other players and because of this incident, I feel so traumatized and it completely ruined my trust towards other people. PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. I might stop playing ffxiv after this incident especially if SE does not do anything about it because it really ruins the whole experience. I believe I am speaking for the others as well when I say that we want to hold these trolls and disgusting people accountable for their bad behavior. We do not need this kind of toxicity in our community. I can list down a lot of other toxic or bad behaviors in game that I myself experienced that the GM don't act on that has caused tons of players to leave the game.


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