A Pirate based Job is something I've been longing to see for years, but I don't know if I ever made a thread suggesting it like when I suggested stuff like a gunblade Job and Chemist so long ago. (We now have Gunbreaker and Sage and I'm EXTREMELY happy with how they work! Gunbreaker is far better than my old suggestion, for one.
Thank you devs!)
I know some people argue we have a pirate Job due to marauder and rogue, but I don't think those count because they don't stay pirate themed in the Job. (Warrior and Ninja.) So right now we still don't have a pirate themed Job.
Based on revisiting my old suggestion idea from years ago, my concept is a physical melee/ranged hybrid damage role Job.
To differentiate it from other Jobs' weapons and to cover a very strong theme for pirates in popular culture, I've been longing for it to use the swashbuckling sword-and-gun combo, like a boss in Sastasha (Hard). (I've been hoping to get that weapon style for Pirate themed stuff ever since that came out.)
For the lore and abilities, I've been really wanting to see it draw on the power of pirate ghosts. Would it work if it had abilities that use things like ghostfire?
And since Jobs seem to have been getting thematic unique limit breaks, this Job could summon a ghost ship to fire a cannonade at a target area. I'd love to see that! (And it might also fit using elements of FF5 Remake's Cannoneer Job.)
I'd also love to see what ideas other people have for how a Job like this could work.
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I know some people argue we have a pirate Job due to marauder and rogue, but I don't think those count because they don't stay pirate themed in the Job. (Warrior and Ninja.) So right now we still don't have a pirate themed Job.
Based on revisiting my old suggestion idea from years ago, my concept is a physical melee/ranged hybrid damage role Job.
To differentiate it from other Jobs' weapons and to cover a very strong theme for pirates in popular culture, I've been longing for it to use the swashbuckling sword-and-gun combo, like a boss in Sastasha (Hard). (I've been hoping to get that weapon style for Pirate themed stuff ever since that came out.)
For the lore and abilities, I've been really wanting to see it draw on the power of pirate ghosts. Would it work if it had abilities that use things like ghostfire?
And since Jobs seem to have been getting thematic unique limit breaks, this Job could summon a ghost ship to fire a cannonade at a target area. I'd love to see that! (And it might also fit using elements of FF5 Remake's Cannoneer Job.)
I'd also love to see what ideas other people have for how a Job like this could work.
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