Overworld update for casual players.

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Hello guys !

I'm kinda noobish at using the forum so I'm sorry if this has been posted before..:p

I was thinking about the overworld lately and tried to imagine a way to make it more appealing at higher level.
Basically each expansion we get a new world to explore and we move on to the next as soon as a new expac comes out.
IMO old zones should be reworked to remain relevent.

Here the idea is to target casual players :

A FATE that would spawn in old zones.
These fates would not appear on the map but certain NPC would give you clue and ideas about the location of the FATE. The NPC could be random, a member of the Scions or a previous encounter.
The player would have to explore a specific zone.s
This FATE would feature either a BOSS fight or a Golden Saucer-like event.
These type of FATES would give good exp for leveling up the newest jobs and drop random gear pieces from previous old raids (ARR/Heavensward/Stormblood) usable by all jobs.

It's nothing insane but I think small things like this could help revitalize previous region we barely visit anymore...???:confused:

If you guys like this idea somewhat, what would you add to make it better ?

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