Date & Time: 6th March 2023, approx 2300hrs GMT
Frequency: Once (not reproduced)
World name: Maduin (currently travelled to Jenova)
Character name: Morna Bell
Class/Level: Monk/72
Party or solo: Solo
In-game time: Unsure
Area and coordinates: Lakeland, not sure of exact coordinates
1. Enter the Instanced Battle during the Shadowbringers quest "Oracle of Light" while wearing gear with the second dye slot in use.
2. While playing the instance, the Crystarium armour is dyed the secondary colour.
3. Admire your uniform violation. Mine was a pretty fab shade of metallic purple, which I suppose in Lakeland almost counts as camouflage.
I do not believe my PC specs are relevant to this bug.
For context, this instance glamours you into the Crystarium soldier uniform, which should override your dye choices. As it only affects the secondary colour, I suspect this was an oversight when second dye slots were added to the Crystarium armour set.
Weirdly, it only affected the instanced battle content - in the cutscenes, the armour appeared as normal.
UPDATE: I was able to reproduce this on another character (who happened to be exactly on this specific quest), so it wasn't a one-off.
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Frequency: Once (not reproduced)
World name: Maduin (currently travelled to Jenova)
Character name: Morna Bell
Class/Level: Monk/72
Party or solo: Solo
In-game time: Unsure
Area and coordinates: Lakeland, not sure of exact coordinates
1. Enter the Instanced Battle during the Shadowbringers quest "Oracle of Light" while wearing gear with the second dye slot in use.
2. While playing the instance, the Crystarium armour is dyed the secondary colour.
3. Admire your uniform violation. Mine was a pretty fab shade of metallic purple, which I suppose in Lakeland almost counts as camouflage.
I do not believe my PC specs are relevant to this bug.
For context, this instance glamours you into the Crystarium soldier uniform, which should override your dye choices. As it only affects the secondary colour, I suspect this was an oversight when second dye slots were added to the Crystarium armour set.
Weirdly, it only affected the instanced battle content - in the cutscenes, the armour appeared as normal.
UPDATE: I was able to reproduce this on another character (who happened to be exactly on this specific quest), so it wasn't a one-off.
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