One for the blokes


Raise Botter,480

omgwtf.. so many universal truths... kthx :halo:

Dunno if u get these adverts in the US... meh, now u do :D

This will happen to us all in the end (especially Garret)

Last one, promise, dunno why but thought Archain would find this funny, so this is for u :bfg:
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lol, I almost got in trouble here at work. I was trying to be all quiet and watch it minimized with the volume low, but I still heard the faint sound of someone blowing a dart out. I thought I was being pretty quiet but I must've laughed loud enough for them to hear me.
OMG lol D&D people should not use real weapons for real play >< what's wrong with a paintball gun >< or like those silly kid guns with sucker darts or nerf stuff... haha >.>