Old memories from Kamikaze


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I kinda miss the yellow pearl. damn aluciont for starting ultima!
Id post some really old stuff but i had to reformat the harddrive and lost em all. i even have a picture of coice in the background in qufim wearing a subligar...
hehe miss my yellow pearl too...
i don't think i was at that coffer pt.. that's what i get for bein only member in LS with a JOB

that dumb shiva shit lol...we beat our first avatar n thought it was a huge deal.... good times..
Xerlaoth said:
i don't think i was at that coffer pt.. that's what i get for bein only member in LS with a JOB

Nah you weren't... lol that party ended in a lot of death... hmm now that I think of it... pretty sure it was my fault... or Katon's lol don't remember
I think it somehow went along lines of
-Katon trying to be a DD whm like always and blowing his MP on Holy and Banish
-We got a couple links cause of HP agro
-Talf was a gimp elvaan WHM at the time with like a max of 400 MP
-Only I knew way out and my PC was doing some kinda lame boot me as soon as I login thing.
-Kojo died like usual to sumthin nobody can explain.

sooo I think it ended up with our bodies all across eldieme =\ lol