Oh btw...


Pointy Stick
FC/Active Member


not watched the video but how many KC, M.Kris, Bard 2 hours did it take?
They have I believe it was 6 KC DRK, 3 MKris, and 3-4 Ridill DRK on it. Normal zerg has a hard time because his evasion and defense is insane. EVEN WITH SV Madrigals AND Feint, DRK accuracy with SE up was barely 85% I think. Also fully buffed Gekko does something like 400 damage.... well I'd still be willing to try him of course, zerg or no zerg.

Yea they mentioned 85% ACC for DRK's could be reached with SV Mads and feint, or SV mads and sushi (with no feint). I think it's safe to say that if a LS is going to try AV, they will have every possible job available (drg for angon, thf for feint etc etc) so should be np
20% > breakga'd > loss then apathy claimed at 20% it invicibled > wipe > meteor the other ls before claim > wipe lolololol
Post on BG showing a few more videos

Here's 3 videos taken by one of our members, Zorlin. Not sure if they'll help anybody but figured I'd post them in case anyone was interested.


Just wanted to add a thanks to the other 2 linkshells in general. It makes me pretty happy to be on a server where the 3 of us could come together for something like this and put any differences behind us. Says a lot about the quality of the people involved if you ask me. 3 cheers for Awsomeland!
It's really nice for multiple LSs to band together like this.

The kill was kinda cheap, but man so much stuff can be accomplished so easily if only people get the greed out of their eyes and cooperate.

Sadly, we are too human. (Yeah, I went there and it's a great freaking game :D )

They need to do likewise to PW.