Notice To Wow Refugees: Ffxiv's Market Board Is Different From Wow's Ah When Selling.

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I am very happy to have so many WoW refugees come and enjoy FFXIV! After having played both games and noticing the trend on the market board sales, there is something that needs to be noted to our welcomed refugees...

WoW Auction House does NOT function like FFXIV Market Board when you put items up for sale.

In WoW with the recent revamp of the AH, players can just drag and drop an item to sell and the AH automatically adjusts the price to just within range of what it is selling for.

In FFXIV when you drag and drop an item to put up for sale the same way it only lists it for the VENDOR price and no where near the going price that players are paying for.

Please check the Compare Prices button in the upper right corner of that window when you go to put something up for sale. You have to manually adjust your price like how the old WoW AH used to do it before the revamp.

Too often I see items go for a reasonable amount and then out of nowhere drop to vendor price. This may not always be the reason behind it, but it seems logical that many are happening because of this.

If you ever have questions about differences between the 2 games feel free to ask. We are here to help. /salute

submitted by /u/lowlight23
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