Noob Smn Soloing Question

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I took a hiatus from early HW til now. I was playing DRG but I wanted to try something different so I started working on SMN/SCH. I'm currently at 60 SMN and trying to do at-level overworld content, and I'm face tanking everything to a sliver of my life. I remember Titan-egi used to actually tank, but I guess that was removed for a minor shield effect? Seems to me SMN soloability is kind of broken without an actual pet tank. Don't even get me started on the SB level 60 class quest, which is super broken without pet tanking.

How are other SMN doing their questing at this and at higher levels? Are you just not doing overworld content with this class? I don't want to just give up on the class or just relegate it to group content only, but right now it seems unplayable.

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