No One Should Be Allowed To Queue Without A Soul Stone If Applicable.

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There needs to be some form of soft lock on your duty finder with the class you're on if you're level 30 and don't have your job stone equipped. I had a case today where we had a thaumaturge in Alexander 8, Burdan of the Son..... Their reply was "too lazy to get the BLM stone" when asked why they're a thaumaturge. I'm sorry but this should not be a thing... If this was anywhere from 30-50 I can see why they might not have known about it or maybe they forgot or they're new to understanding to set their stone with their class change..... But level 60 content and you're joining people's parties with this?....

Can we get a lock on roulettes if you're applying as a class that is well beyond level 30 and makes you unable to queue until it is completed and you have one equipped or something? For example, I can queue as a paladin.... but if I swap to my level 40 archer, it won't let me queue as it? This is just silly and we cant just kick them because there's a 5 minute wait and it doesn't classify as "harassment/afk/offline/etc".

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