We're pleased to announce that the next FINAL FANTASY XI version update is on track for a Tuesday, February 14th release!
It won't be long before you can delve deep into the Nyzul Isle Uncharted Regions—an expansion of the existing Assault mission offering challenges and rewards befitting level 99 characters—and undertake new Magian trials to upgrade your treasured Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean weapons to new heights of power. Adjustments for dragoons, corsairs, and other jobs, revisions to Voidwatch and the Walk of Echoes, and a host of other content previewed on the test server will also see its long-awaited official release.
Additional details will be posted to the Updates section of the official forums as they become available, so stay tuned!
It won't be long before you can delve deep into the Nyzul Isle Uncharted Regions—an expansion of the existing Assault mission offering challenges and rewards befitting level 99 characters—and undertake new Magian trials to upgrade your treasured Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean weapons to new heights of power. Adjustments for dragoons, corsairs, and other jobs, revisions to Voidwatch and the Walk of Echoes, and a host of other content previewed on the test server will also see its long-awaited official release.
Additional details will be posted to the Updates section of the official forums as they become available, so stay tuned!