New Playable Race: Ivalice Moogles(FFXII/Tactics)

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Can you add moogles as a playable race for final fantasy xiv online please I\\'ve been wanting to play as a moogle since final fantasy tactics and 12 i think they should be added since they did they the 2nd highest votes from Veria race being added into the game on a poll Square Enix did a few years ago so could we please get moogles as a playable race I think they would be just a popular if not more so then lalafells would adding male and female moogles would be really cool I also think it would bring a unique story as to why there are different types of moogles in the ff14 world ones that are like nomads or adventurer from a different land or even from anther world fragment to come to the source world to ask for help or they could be a different clan of moogles from the source world unlike the ones we normally see this concept i think would be good and alot of players would probably like to play as a moogle from ff12 as well so please make it happen Yoshi P. Like you always tell us players get good so I\\'m helping with my ideas to make a new fun spin on moogles as a playable race with a unique back story please make it happen thank you.

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