New Features for Dancers and Scholars! (12/08/2008)


Kitteh's Meow
PlayOnline said:

The upcoming version update will have dancers and scholars across Vana'diel rejoicing in the streets, as it promises long-awaited features that will make these jobs more effective and rewarding to play than ever before!
PlayOnline said:
Dancers and scholars of Vana'diel, this is the day you've been waiting for!

The upcoming version update will see the introduction of two long-awaited features for each of these jobs: the Group 2 merit point category and relic armor. With release day drawing near, we've decided to give you a sneak preview of some of the new abilities that await you.

So put on your dancing shoes, crack open those books, and read on!



Job Ability "Saber Dance"
Increases Double Attack rate but renders Waltz unusable. Double Attack rate gradually decreases. Recast: 5min. Each upgrade shortens recast time by 30 seconds.

Job Ability "Fan Dance"
Reduces physical damage taken and increases enmity but renders Samba unusable. Physical damage reduction gradually decreases with each hit taken. Recast: 5min. Each upgrade shortens recast time by 30 seconds.




Job Ability "Enlightenment"
Optimizes both white and black magic capabilities and allows access to both addenda for your next spell. Recast: 10min. Each upgrade shortens recast time by 1 minute 15 seconds.

Job Trait "Stormsurge"
Storm-type spells grant a bonus to attributes associated with their element. Initial bonus value: +3. Each subsequent upgrade increases bonus value by 1.
I won't deny the new changes to Dancer are awesome. And the Relic looks fantastic. They said "With the release date drawing near" but FFXI is getting it's version update today. So... guess it's next version update? That'll be in another 3 months or so? Or did they just fudge the wording above?

But I will admit, these are two jobs that didn't need to made any awesomer. There are other jobs that could use a helping hand far more *coughpup*
My understanding is that today isn't the big update.. but I could be wrong. Wait nvm.. I clearly didn't scroll down far enough to see the download times.

My guess is that since they posted this last night & update isn't until later today, perhaps that's what they meant by "upcoming update"
If that's the case sass, then cool! Normally I can't do dynamis cause of work, but since I'll be taking sick time for the next couple weeks... <.< ... >.> Here's hoping I recover fast enough to do dynamis (yeah right I wish).
Well, V, you were 100% right. I'm super disappointed that they made capped Enlightenment 5min recast.... that's garbage. Feint is easily at least as powerful as this ability, so why not let SCH get their good JA on 2min timer too?? Also capped Stormsurge ending at +7 instead of +15... well, SCH was good to begin with, so I guess they were worried about it getting out of hand...? still, very disappointing.

I'm kind of disappointed with the sch merits also >.>
Yeah, I'm still thinking maxed Enlightenment, but it's lower on the priority list than a lot of other merits I need badly. I still think the 2 charges for the enmity and accuracy abilities is way too severe; I'll likely skip those altogether in favor of Stormsurge (even if it is weakened).

Also, the SCH AF2 doesn't look quite as good as I was hoping. It's nice, but the DNC stuff is full of win. SCH AF2 is maybe 1/2 full (maybe stats will make up for it though :p).
