Need Help Finding Out What This Song An Npc Is Playing On Their Harp

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I was doing the bard quest line when I heard Guydelot play this tune on his harp and I immediately went "wait this sounds familiar", but I can't for the life of me remember where I've heard it before. Like maybe its a small excerpt from one of those songs that typically play during the MSQ? Maybe its something specific from the Heavensward expansion?! At this rate trying to identify it is going to consume me until I've listened to every single FFXIV OST before I'm satisfied. Any answers to end this obsession will greatly help lol

Link to video of Guydelot playing it:

Also, I transcribed it if the video is down and you have a bard to play the notes (+ on the left means an octave higher while - means an octave lower):

G|C+1|+E flat|+D|G|C+1|B flat|G|E flat|D|E flat|F|G|C|E flat|D|-G

submitted by /u/Kuricongee
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