Twintania <<Mystic Garden>> EDEN
Hello everyone, Mystic Garden is a small fc rank 8 living in big old large house at the mists. Although we may be small, we provide a friendly environment for people that are new, casual, or experienced.
We aim to experiment all kinds of content, old content, dungeons, maps, housing decoration and eventually raiding, if everyone's up for it. We got a few experienced players, with a few new ones, but everyone's capable and nice. We keep a interesting and fun enviroment, chatting around in our discord, having a few laughs and doing content with each other.
Whisp (/Tell in game) Naila Mieu, Nea Mieu or Moonlight Aurora, if you have interest in our small community! Cheers!
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Hello everyone, Mystic Garden is a small fc rank 8 living in big old large house at the mists. Although we may be small, we provide a friendly environment for people that are new, casual, or experienced.
We aim to experiment all kinds of content, old content, dungeons, maps, housing decoration and eventually raiding, if everyone's up for it. We got a few experienced players, with a few new ones, but everyone's capable and nice. We keep a interesting and fun enviroment, chatting around in our discord, having a few laughs and doing content with each other.
Whisp (/Tell in game) Naila Mieu, Nea Mieu or Moonlight Aurora, if you have interest in our small community! Cheers!
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