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You opened the post because you were curious as to its contents, you had no idea what it might be - would this be a discussion of something in the game or a conversation about the game itself?

It's actually neither, it's something I noticed when I started following FF more closely (6.4 is when I properly re-started playing the game, I used to be an MSQ Andy) - this game has no mystery to it.

This revelation struck me when Dawntrail story trailer dropped and I realised that the trailer literally spoiled the story. I was immediately able to guess how the story would unfold and aside from specific details, I was more-less spot on.
Then going into the post release patches, I would log in and immediately be aware of all of the content that is in the game.

If I may digress for a moment - some of you may know this feeling of just having bought a new game when you were younger (Monster Hunter Freedom for me) and you'd be looking at the box wondering what adventure awaits within.

This feeling is absent from FF in its entirety. The CBU3 team seem to surgically make sure that literally nothing remains unknown to us the audience through patch notes and live letters from Yoshi P. Not to mention that we know the formula of 4 raids per major patch, 2 ultimates per expansion, 2-4 side pieces of content etc.
This means that there's nothing to discover, nothing that could start rumours among players, no "there's a city deep under the sea nobody has found yet" or "if you /dance on the highest peak near Ishgard you receive an emote". The search for the undiscovered is fun, it creates chatter and makes people work together to uncover new things.

I think this game could benefit from not playing with all of its cards revealed. Give us a hint of where something begins but don't tell us what that is.

Mystery and discovery is captivating, simply following a checklist is not.

I won't talk about any of the other aspects of the game because that has been discussed to death. I simply wanted to share my thoughts on this because I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere.

P.S. if possible - please keep the topic mystery related, everyone knows the game has other issues - Perhaps share cool examples you've seen in other media/games; but finger pointing and shouting at each other isn't really going to change much. :)

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