Ashmus Unicorns are kickass! Feb 24, 2009 #7 Im going to name my next brew Gordie in your honour...I wonder if I can make a gourd flavoured ale or something.
Im going to name my next brew Gordie in your honour...I wonder if I can make a gourd flavoured ale or something.
Nekio {Gilfinder} Feb 24, 2009 #8 Gourd's aren't edible are they? You'd probably hafta cheat and make a pumpkin ale and call it a gourd (they're in the same family, Cucurbitaceae ).
Gourd's aren't edible are they? You'd probably hafta cheat and make a pumpkin ale and call it a gourd (they're in the same family, Cucurbitaceae ).
S Sojourn Banned for hotter e-lovin. Feb 24, 2009 #9 That's funny Gordon because my ass hurts when I think about how much I miss you! <3
Redd Servant of Ultima Banned Account Feb 25, 2009 #11 Sound, Soj is on a rotation here and he is mine this week. We've been through this time and again. Wait your g'damn turn. Geez.
Sound, Soj is on a rotation here and he is mine this week. We've been through this time and again. Wait your g'damn turn. Geez.
kuragasi New Member Feb 27, 2009 #12 Gordie said: When I think about how much I miss you all :tounge-3: Click to expand... <3 :weeping01