Multiple Roles Queuing

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So I don't know if this idea have been discussed or given a thought here in this forums before, but I've always wanted this to happen and it would be really awesome if it does.

Instead of queuing for dungeons, roulette, or any kind of duty that would be normally in the Duty Finder with a certain class, certain roles can be selected i.e (Tank/Healer/DPS).

When the queue pops, the player could choose whatever class they want to pick that can fulfill the role (chosen by the duty) and the usual requirement of the duty (class level, item level,.. etc) before they commence (it would refuse commencing anything that does not fulfill the requirement as it would normal do if you are on the wrong class).

I can see this potentially helping the queuing system rather than crippling it.

This comes to me usually when I'm farming my weekly tomestone cap or I'm bored and I want to queue up for something. I have maxed almost all of my classes and I would play anything and any role if that means it would speed things up.

I'm aware that the duty finder system tells you that it needs certain roles, but I do feel it would be nice to have this element of role choosing rather than queuing with whatever class you are on.

I'm not sure how technical it would be to implement, if it is easy or impossible but I'd hope it would or was considered before, and if it was considered by the devs and it is hard to implement I'd love to hear the reason why.

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