Mr. Yoshida, The Endgame Crafting System Should Become More Skill Based:

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I have seen a lot of people on a certain popular thread complain that Endgame crafting is too easy, and encourages lazy behavior. Let me go over what “lazy behavior” means exactly.

Spamming a macro retrieved from the internet, while simultaneously watching Netflix, hardly paying attention to a craft. Not bothering to understand a craft, even after the 5.1 overhaul happened, which in theory, should make crafting more easier to understand!

Level 1 - 79 recipes should be easy. But anything endgame should NOT be this easy, at all. I hardly find it fun anymore to craft!

After seeing many people still ask for macros in the Balance Discord and in the game even, it is clear that there are many people who are not interested in learning how endgame crafting works. They are only interested in the final result. Not what it took to get the result!

I do not like RNG in crafting, and I hope it is not added in 5.2, because as some of you may know, there was an interview recently where Mr. Yoshida started he wants people to stop using macros, and he will add “procs”. Adding RNG will not make people happy, what will, is focusing on a crafting revamp that makes Endgame skill based. If RNG is all Mr. Yoshida can do for the players that want challenges, that is fine. But a skill overhaul would be much more preferable!

If you would like Endgame crafting to be skill based in a future expansion rather than depend on RNG for a challenge, please support this thread and it may happen. The “casual and hardcore” popular thread motivated me to make this, because it’s much too easy..

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