More 'solo' Dungeons From 60-70 Please

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I've been playing FXIV since 1.0 was in beta (so 10 years almost) and joined the forums a couple of years later. During that period I've seen a distinct deterioration in the way the community treats its members, a deterioration that's reflected in-game and on the forums. I was very lucky to arrive with a group of gaming friends and to make a few more along the way, but that kind of bond building is becoming less and less common. I'd love for this to change, but I have pretty much lost hope if I'm honest.

I am currently trying to level all my jobs to 80 because I want the Amaro mount. Also because it's fun to try new skill sets and so on. But I have reached the stage where I won't do dungeons with people I don't know because it's too stressful and annoying. Someone berates the tank for not pulling enough or pulling too much, the healer for DPSing too much or not DPSing, the DPS for not AOEing. I get it, people have different expectations. But it's stressful and unenjoyable. I will do dungeons with friends but not otherwise.

I enjoy running with my Squadron though, I really do. And the Trusts are marvellous. I run at least two dungeons a day with either method. I can focus on learning my job and improving, learning the dungeon, learning the bosses. It's great. I am not a good tank and, frankly, I'm a terrible DPS. It also takes me a long time to develop the muscle memory to play a specific job to even an average level and to know a scripted fight well. This is because a.) I'm old, and b.) I have directional dyslexia (yes this is actually a thing and it's very disabling IRL as well as in game)

So it would be fantastic for me - and others I'm sure, who have anxiety about performance, don't want to deal with unpleasant people, want time and space to learn without holding others back - to have more options to run dungeons with squadrons or Trusts. Just a couple of dungeons from 60-70 would be amazing.

TLDR: yes, it's an MMO but group content is now so unpleasant/ stressful to run without a premade group, it would be great to have a couple more 'solo' dungeons from 60-70

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