Mog Station Item Suggestions, Companion App Suggestion.

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There is a serious lack of collaborations with more recent (and past) Final Fantasy games,
specifically the glamours. You have tons of glamours that can be released that will literally print money. Tifa, Rikku, Yuffie, Rinoa, Selphie, Zell, Lulu, Paine, Auron. I can go on for days with the glams you could add to the Mog Station. There are even current characters in FFXIV that have glamours that we have been itching to have (Yugiri hairstyle when?). I feel that if you released a slew of glamours from other Final Fantasy games monthly, that would bring in a constant influx of happy players opening their wallets to share their hard earned cash. A popular saying in the community is "Glamour is the true end-game".

Companion App rework.
I assume that not very many players who are currently playing use the companion app.
I find the potential use of the companion app wasted. Seeing as how there is 2 types of subscriptions to the game (Entry and Standard) The Companion App Premium should be available to players who are paying the Standard subscription while allowing the free version of the app to be available to the Entry Players. This will entice players who use the entry (or free to play) model to get a Standard Subscription.

Companion App New Features:
Seeing how the companion App is linked to the game, there should be rewards that you can obtain solely from the companion app. You could add the classic NES and SNES versions of Final Fantasy games to the Companion App and allow players to obtain rewards based on their progress in these games. You could do Collaborations from other Square Enix titles like Chrono Trigger and original NES and SNES Dragon Quest. You could allow FC leaders to utilize their Submarines/Airships to play minigames as well. You could allow players to utilize their retainers for treasure hunt mini games of sorts. Of course these "premium" features would only be available to players who have a standard subscription to the game, it would make players more likely to pay for the "better subscription"

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