An FC mate (who has been playing with us since FFXI), passed away two weeks ago today. We found out last week, and it broke our hearts. We called him Gad, and he was an amazing person with a big heart. I didn't know what to do, so I set up a memorial table with his favorite colors, a music box (he was a Bard main), some flowers, and other little things. His son and his best friend still play, and appreciated it very much. If you'd like to come by and leave a note in our book outside (and visit the memorial upstairs), you are welcome to do so, as I'm sure his son and son's best friend would appreciate it. We're located on the Primal Data Center (Excalibur), in the Mist, 4th Ward, Plot 14. Hopefully it's okay to post something like this here. <3
submitted by /u/rydenshep
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