Maybe it's time for a casual "strike" if not complete departure.

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Let's be real, unless you're a hardcore player, buying Dawntrail and being subbed this last half a year probably feels like a waste of money, and there's no guarantee that anything coming in 7.2 or beyond is even meant for casual players either and they won't pull another "whoops, we made it Savage difficulty instead, teehee!"

Besides, the hardcore playerbase has it made it abundantly clear, especially with Chaotic, that they hold such casuals in complete and utter disgust and don't want such players in "their" game anyway, so might as well just let them have it then, let them hold the game up on their own instead of expecting others to keep it running for them while being spat on by community and developer alike.

And if that isn't motivation enough for you, just remember every other time "Yoshi-P said" when it came to this or that which never got implemented or fixed over 10 years, but it was all-hands-on-deck on getting every piece of hardcore content possible squeezed out within less than 6 months, even rushing to get Chaotic out by Christmas. (Early access was June 28th, 2024 and Chaotic Raids was December 24th, 2024) and STILL you are expected to wait further into 2025 for a "maybe" knowing in advance how hard they can drop the ball when expected to do something that isn't just recycling assets, as the MSQ can attest.

It goes beyond neglect, it's just contempt at this point, and we're paying for the privilege of being scorned.

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