Materia With Real Benefits Suggestion

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I suggest we get Materia added to the game that when its added to equipment gives a real benefit for character customization examples

Tier 1: enfire (boost physical damage) effect(animation for appearence fun) attacks display flames
-other options also existing such as enwater enaero enearth etc (all boosting damage for the player and giving an animation of an elemental attack)

Tier 2: (perm benfits as long as its held into equipment until you die if you die it is removed for 15mins) grants protect,shell,faith,bravery based on your choice

tier 3: (enfeebling materia) grants a enfeebling when equiped to weapons(in armor boost your immunity and chance to dodge such enfeebling moves again this will be fully choice based on what enfeebling materia you pick.
Tier 4: Increase drops/gil whatever else Materia

and so forth.

THis would make the game feel less dead and more like you do something uniquely for your own character type

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