Management, Please Review The Training Of Gm Zeigunav And/or The Team In General.

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I greatly appreciate and approve of the efforts of most of the GMs I have interacted with.

However, you still have a lot of room for improvement. For the case in point with Zeigunav, a player was being reported for harassing the Novice Network. The issue was very clearly described and detailed such that anyone reading the ticket should understand the player was actively working to upset others and cause grief. However, when "confirming" what I was reporting, Zeigunav referred to them discussing topics unrelated to the game. Technically, they were, yes, but no reasonable person would see that as the issue. It's literally a straw man; I feel as if the GM is trolling me. Does the GM just prefer things to not be actionable because it's less work or makes them look faster on some sort of metric? And after I patiently and diplomatically explain that the message being off topic is not the issue, one of the messages I get is:

[GM]Gm Zeigunav >> In addition, the Novice Network chat channel is moderated by players with the Mentor Status so if you are a Mentor, please feel free to moderate the chat channel if you believe that they are violating our Terms of Service. You can also inform other players who also have the Mentor status to moderate the channel as well. If these players refuse to moderate the NN, I suggest that you leave the NN entirely.

The overall sentiment seems to be that the GM doesn't want to do anything to fix a terms of service violation and that if I don't like that, I should just give up entirely and quit the channel. Your team literally has one job, and it's to enforce the terms of service and take action when they are violated. Yes, mentors additionally moderate the Novice Network channels, but this in no way means your team should not also respond to reports regarding the channel. Mentors do not EXCLUSIVELY moderate the channel. As you can see above, it really feels like Zeigunav might not know this.

Skipping over the bizarre phrase of "inform ... to moderate," the message ends with "... I suggest that you leave the NN entirely ..."

It's bad enough that GMs constantly encourage players to blacklist others, suggesting that they should ignore problems rather than have any faith whatsoever that GMs will edify or remove appropriately. (A few have been okay about indicating it's an OPTION, but it's most commonly phrased as a suggestion or even a demand!). And that's not even detailing how this makes zero sense when you couple it with the simultaneous mention of mentors moderating the Novice Network. How in the seven hells are we supposed to moderate a channel if we can't see what people are typing in it? This one takes it to the next level, though, suggesting I write off the entire channel as a lost cause!

So ... again, you have my thanks for all the GMs that really do make it their mission to help and make better the worlds we play in. And you have my hopes that Zeigunav can soon become such a GM.

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