Make event items account wide - not for buy in cash shop

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I am just trying to make a valid point about something, that has been bothering me.

The thing is, if you have had a main playing for like 10 years, done all events and more to it, gotten emotes, furniture, glamours and more.

Then you make an new character on that same account, and you have to buy all those items from the cash shop.

To me it would seem more reasonable that those items should be free, or obtainable for alts on the same account, when the events happens, be it valentine, summer, winter, xmas, new year and so on and so forth.

It makes little sense you need to pay for something you at least took part on, on your main, year for year.

Also for absolute new persons, reducing the cost from event based emotes and more to be reduced to maybe 50 cents each in cost or the likes.

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